你好! 我是楊莉思

Hi, I'm Cindy!


金門, 台灣

關於我 - About Me

我是楊莉思,出生於2006年1月27日, 來自印尼巴厘島。目前就讀於國立金門大學資訊工程系, 是一位熱愛探索科技世界的大一學生. 我期待能夠在學業和興趣之間取得平衡,並與各位同學共同成長,共同探索未來的可能性。感謝~

My name is Cindy, born on January 27, 2006, from Bali, Indonesia. Currently studying in the Computer Science and Information Engineering Department of National Kinmen University. I look forward to strike a balance between studies and interests, growing together with my classmates, and exploring the possibilities of the future. Thank you!

我的興趣 - My Interests

網頁設計 - Web Design

行動科技 - Mobile Technology

打羽球 - Badminton

打電動 - Playing Games